Copenhagen is a big city in many ways, but like most countries they have their own habits and customs. Here’s five things that could be good to know before visiting Copenhagen.
– Never cross a pedestrian crossing when the lights are red. It’s strongly forbidden. If you would get caught crossing you can be forced to pay DKK 500 in fines.
– People often leave their strollers (with sleeping children in them!) outside restaurants, cafés and stores. It’s totally normal and acceptable in Denmark, so don’t get scared – no one has abandoned their children (hopefully).
– EVERYONE ride bikes. Everywhere. Watch out for bikes.
– If you’re in Copenhagen during Christmas, it can be good to know that there is a special day for delivering Christmas beer. J-Dag (‘Juleøl’ Day) takes place the first Friday of November. A horse carriage leaves the brewery Tuborg with every year’s limited edition Christmas beer to deliver to all local pubs. The population often dress up and get free tastings of the beer. If there’s no real snow, the Danes till make sure that they have foam snow in the city.
– Hygge is the Danes own ‘yolo’ or ‘carpe diem’. It could be translated into prosperous. It stands for creating your own warm and cosy atmosphere, and enjoying the good things in life with good people. It’s more than a state of mind, and attitude rather than activity. If you have this in mind during your visit, you might understand the Danes better!