What is the normal life of a Swede living in Stockholm? Here’s how we would spend the day!
Experience the Swedish way of life first hand by doing a few of the things that the Swedes love to do the most.
Local Stockholm: Experience Djurgården, known as the recreational area of the city this island is home to many of the city’s museums. On this island we also find a quaint little neighbourhood, as old as the Old Town but built completely out of wood.
Exercise: All Swedes love their daily strolls and Djurgården is the perfect place to do it! Take in interesting sights such as the wonderful green areas, a few of the city’s most famous museums and the rest of the city found across the water.
Fika: We drink so much coffee in Sweden that we created an actual verb for the act of taking a coffee break – this word is ‘Fika’! In Sweden coffee breaks are obligatory, at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon (not to mention all the times in between). Find your nearest café, order a cinnamon bun with coffee and feel Swedish!