Experience Stockholm Deluxe this summer

May 17, 2016 • 2 min read

Stockholm has a nasty rumor about being expensive. Sure, some things cost more, but as it is in any city – it’s about knowing where to look. Gladly for you, we know the tips! If you really want a luxurious day, this is how we would do Stockholm the Deluxe Way in three steps.

  1. Start of with a private walk of the Old Town. Set amongst the atmospheric surrounds of the Old Town you will find famous landmarks such as the Royal Palace, Parliament building and Lake Mälaren.
  2. Continue with the Vasa Museum. This soon-to-be 400-year old beauty, The Vasa Ship, is one of the only ships from this era that has been salvaged almost in full. On a visit here you can learn all about the ship, the events surrounding its demise and the salvation process – as well as seeing this amazing vessel and surrounding exhibits.
  3. See Stockholm from the water. It is from the water that you can truly experience the beauty of Stockholm. The city consists of one-third urban development, one-third forest and one-third water – which makes it perfect for a boat tour. Strömma offers plenty of different boat tours, both one way and with sightseeing.
  4. Finish of with a drink at one of the most luxurious boulevards and areas in Stockholm – the area around Strandvägen/Hamngatan/Berzelii Park. Here you will find all types of places, that most definitely will make you feel special. Strandvägen 1, Hallwylska Bar and Strandbryggan is a few of them.

Ta-da! A real Stockholm Deluxe day!