Every year over 2 million sheep are let out into the beautiful nature of Norway. These adorable adventurers travel through thick woods, stunning mountains, walk along Fjords and beaches and even roam through the inner city.
It’s not just the sheep that can enjoy this kind of freedom. In Norway the freedom to walk about freely has been a tradition since ancient times. In the year 1957 a law was even instigated called “allemannsretten” which means “the right to roam”. This law was to ensure that everyone could independent of their status explore the nature of Norway.
Five of Norway’s finest sheep were chosen, to be fitted with GoPro’s to show us their own unique view of Norway. Who would be better to show us the enormous cultural beauty of Norway? Of course you don’t have to be a sheep to see what wonderful sights Norway has to offer, but it’s a cheap way to see a large part of Norway. For example, sheep Heidi in the photo above, will show you around Oslo. A great way to see the city before visiting! Follow the sheeps here!