Vegan-lover? Visit the Vegovision fair!

October 31, 2016 • 1 min read

Vegovision – that’s the name of the fair that for the first time ever comes to Stockholm during the weekend 5 – 6th of November. And it’s all about vegan food!

It’s in the venue Münchenbryggeriet, located on Södermalm, that Vegovision will have it’s first fair in Stockholm. It’s earlier been arranged in Umeå and Gothenburg. Vegovision is a fair arranged by Djurens Rätt (Animal’s Right Protection in Sweden). The purpose of the fair is to inspire people to cook more vegan food and spread food joy. On the fair you can try delicious vegan food, go to interesting seminars and greet re-sellers of vegan products.

The fair opened in Umeå, 2008, and has since then grown year by year. Later it expanded to Gothenburg. Both towns are pausing this year to have full focus on the fairs impact on Stockholm. The fair is open between 10.00 – 18.00 on Saturday and 10.00 – 17.00 on Sunday. The entrance fee is SEK 100. See you there!